Quick update about us...
We are considering buying a mobile home if an owner will finance, since we have bad credit-there's no way we can buy a house, plus we can't really afford it...What else? I'm still jobless, but I go back to work in Aug!!! I cannot wait to have money again...We've been BEYOND broke with only Clint working, it has pretty much sucked...Although Iwill miss spending time w/ my lil man, but jeez...LOL...Hayden will be 3.5 in 2 days..I cannot believe in 6 months my lil man will be 4!!!! Holy cow...And that's all he can talk about is his birthday! He's such a goofy boy--I wish you guys could meet him. Oh and I'm waiting on AF, so I can officially start our TTC break...I've come to terms with the break, I think. It still makes me sad, but I'm so worn out on trying. I don't know how people can try for SO long...My cousin tried for at least 10yrs I think and then finally had enough money for an IUI and got pg that way and now her son is already a year old! But after 2 yrs...Man, I'm just tired of this crap...I have to hand it to the women who try for years and years and years...I don't know how much longer *I* can take it. I'm not sure if it's because I've concieved 1 child, so maybe my brain thinks I should be able to have another? Or what? It's just frustrating! GRR... Enough about that! My dh Clint lost 30 lbs!!! WOOHOO!!! He looks fantastic! His goal was 40, I think, and today was the end of it, but man he lost 30 and he always gets compliements...Me on the other hand...Have only lost 12lbs...Oh well...I haven't been that into it either, so my fault...OH and our city isn't doing fireworks this year because they don't have any money! WTH?! So I'm not sure what we are going to do...Have a safe one everyone!

Happy 4th! Good for your husband loosing that weight and for you too. Don't you hate how guys aways seem to be able to loose weight so easily?
I'm sorry about the break, but maybe it is something you ~really~ need right now..and time to clear your mind physically and mentally.
Congrats on yours and hubby's weight loss! I need to start watching what I eat but I it's hard and I love food LOL!
Yeah--I agree...Clint seems to be able to drop weight SUPER fast! LOL...ME on the other hand...Even when I was working my ass off--I barely lost anything!!! GRR
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