Friday, August 7, 2009
1st OB appt!
Had my 1st ob appt yesterday! OMG--This is REAL! I keep thinking it's a dream that I am going to wake up from...I am 9wks3days today! I have an u/s scheduled for Monday at 12:30! I cannot even wait...Maybe then it will seem real! We are still in shock...I'm hoping it's a girl!!!! Hayden at one point has said he wants 8 brothers!!! UMMMMM....NO kiddo! Now he's saying he wants a brother AND a sister! LOL...He's really excited though! I've been SO sick w/ this one...I mean this is my 3rd pg...The 1st one I m/c @ 10wks...But w/ that one and Hayden I didn't even realize I was pg! With this one, my belly is all over the place...I got a script @ the dr yesterday for a pill for that since I have to go back to work next Wedneday! My edd is 3/11/10!!! WOW...

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I can't wait to see U/S pics!!! This is sooo exciting!! 8 brothers? Bwahahaha! Ummm no. LOL!!
How exciting!!! Your EDD is 2 days before my birthday.
Oh congrats!!!
yay! congrats!!! that is exciting, im getting baby fever from all these mama's getting pregnant!
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