Sunday, July 27, 2008

Why can't I just be happy for them?

SO...We have been ttc for over a year..we started trying in May 2007. I've been to the dr now and have to go back on the 31st. But anyone who knows what it's like to want a baby-whether you can or cannot have one-and then see EVERYONE get pregnant, knows that it's hard and it just plain sucks. That is what's happening with me. It's like never-ending over here though....Yesterday I went to brunch w/ my SIL and Gramma-in-law w/ their church. And as everyone was almost done, a pregnant club came in! Everyone single one of them was prego, except one who had a newborn! Fast forward to last night...I found out that one of the guys who just had a baby like 4-6mths ago(maybe more, but don't think so) in our VW club is having another baby in December! And one of our friends found out last night also that she is going to have a baby.

I was like on pregnancy overload last night and by the time Christa and Shawn called us, I just couldn't sound happy. I tried-but I was holding back tears. I know I was being a downer, but I really tried to sound happy, even when deep down I was crushed....


Jess NBP said...

OH Sweetie HUGS!! PRAYERS u get your glory day.

Jess NBP said...

oh and LOL at the caption above my button. it looks good u don't have many buttons there. I HAVE A TON That I haven't even put on my blog b.c it will get cluttered.

Leah said...

I'm sorry :( I am sending you all the baby dust I can muster. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Minxy Mimi said...

I am sorry. I know the feeling quite well. I am sure your time will come soon.