Thursday, July 24, 2008

Yay for Thursday!

Yep we did it...FINALLY we did something we want! Clint applied for the police department up in Payson-which is about an hour and a half north! I am keeping my fingers crossed and can you do the same? We lived in Payson for almost a year when I was prego and after I had Hayden-and we had to move back to the Valley because we were struggling tooooo much! So keep your fingers crossed and pray pray pray that he gets it, because we really want to move back!!!

And it's Thursday! We have a weekly get together w/ our friends Matt and Kristen! Every other week it's at our house and this is the week. This weekly get together is awesome...It's usually the only time we see each other and we get to catch each other up on what happend through out the week. It's pretty much the only consisent thing we have going right now.


Anonymous said...

good luck to Clint!

Jess NBP said...

trisha said it's fixed on the forum.

Unknown said...

Hi Michelle, I nominated you for an award. Check out my blog.

See ya next week!