Thursday, December 31, 2009

Spent last week in the hosp...FUN

SO....I have asthma...I've had it since I was a kiddo...Usually it doesn't bother me quite so much, but these days that I'm preggo...It's been a pain in my ass...Seriously. Usually during the winter months, I just get a bad cough that doesn't go away til spring...No biggie right? Apparently that's not good when you are preggo...

So I went to my OB appt last Monday(the 21st)--Keep in mind that it was the start of my winter break and I, of course, had all sorts of plans...And she listens to me and asks about my cough...So I start telling her and then I have a coughing fit right there in the office...SO NOT GOOD...She wanted me to go to OB triage to make sure Ryder fine and then move on to ER to get chest x-ray...She was going to just give me antibiotics and then order an x-ray, but she didn't want to give antibiotics if they weren't needed...SO...I drop Hayden off at my friends house...Meet my mom at triage...Move on to ER...Was in ER FOREVER...they did 3 breathing treatments and none of them helped...SO...they decided to admit me....I got admitted Tues early morning and continued to have breathing treatments and steriods pumped in...Fast forward to Christmas Eve--still in hospital...New dr on...he tells me I have to stay and I break down and started crying...I hadn't seen Hayden since Monday and I'd barely seen Clint, since kids aren't allowed due to flu season....And he felt bad...So he worked it out and I was able to go home late afternoon Christmas Eve....
Talk about depressing though...I cried everyday I was in there...And everyone thought it was a vacation...If Hayden would have been able to visit, wouldn't have been that big of a deal...Plus he refused to talk to me on the phone and hardly anyone visited me, because it was Christmas week and they were trying to get shit done! The only reason I was able to get out was because there was a different dr on that day...If it had been the same jerk off I'd been seeing, he wouldn't have cared...
On another note, Christmas was good...Hayden was glad when I was finally home and said how much he missed me! Aww...He got wayyyy too much stuff! But he was happy! He said "this is the BEST Christmas ever!" He's such a cutie though...I have a ton of pics that I still haven't uploaded...So some day I will do that!
Clint took his ASVAB on Wednesday for the Army...He qualifies for all the jobs that he wants...Justneed to lose the weight now and see if one opens up! And one last thing, my c/s is scheduled for March 15, 2010 at 9am! Yay!!! Can't wait! Nervous for another c/s, but should be SO much better than pushing and then having one...Kind of hoping that Ryder wants to come earlier than that...Probably won't though...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Still here!

I'm still here! LOL! Thanks Nancy! I've been sick for a couple weeks, I had a sinus/ear infection and then I was stressed becauase Ryder wasn't moving as much as usual...He's a lil more active than last week, but still not back to normal! Anyone else have this? I'm still stressed about it, but everyone says that as long as I can feel him sometimes, it's fine! I'm 25wks today! OMG! 15(well if they do c/s a week early 14) more weeks!!! Man, this pregnancy has been SO completely different than with Hayden! I've been having pain I don't know where it's coming from, although I'm thinking maybe braxton-hicks? I never had a contraction w/ Hayden and then when I was in labor, I got the epi early and even though they turned it almost completely off, I didn't feel contractions, only burning pain! Ack! But I will be doing a scheduled c/s, so I am SO happy for that! I will know when I am having him, unless the lil shit decides to grace us w/ his presence early...I'm fine w/ that, as long as it's not TOOOO early! I think I am more paranoid this time around, maybe because we were trying for awhile?! I don't know! Any advice ya'll can give me would me great...I feel like I've never been pregnant! Clint's going back to the Army recruiter on Friday...Yikes...SO nervous about that! It's such a HUGE decision, ya know? He's been studying up on math and stuff...He wants a specific job and doesn't want his ASVAB score to bring him down and not be able to get that job! Let's see...What else? Oh did I mention that I may try to put Hayden in Kindergarten early? Well, if we are still here! He's doing AWESOME in pre-k and I don't want him to get bored, so I'm thinking maybe putting him in K next year...Depends on the rest of the year of course, but that's where we are headed! That kid has been SO ornery! And he acts like he's 16! He's going to be 4 in less than a month(barely, lol)! But man, that kid has an ATTITUDE! How do I get rid of it? I've tried timeouts and things like that, but it just pisses him off even more! HELP! I've said a mouthful-so hope you had fun reading my ramblings! That's what I've been doing lately, is just rambling! Haa haa!!! I will try to post more...I'm just so damn tired these days! Maybe...Just maybe...If ya'll are lucky, maybe I will post a pic!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Finally--A post! :P

Such a slacker...I know, I know...

Anywhoo..So this pregnancy is coming along! I'm a fatty anyways--So it's hard to say whether I just look fatter or actually look preggo now! LMAO! Who knows...Some days I feel people can totally tell, other days, not so much!

Monday I will be 23wks! Holy moly! I have another dr appt and u/s on Monday. They weren't able to get good enough pics of his spine at the last one...Works for me! I love seeing my baby! Hayden's SO excited to be a big brother! I'm trying to figure something out to get Hayden from Ryder when he is born! I've read lots of ideas, but just don't know what is right for us! What else? Oh yeah--I will be 26(OMGosh-I almost put 23! Where am I?) tomorrow! WOOT WOOT! I love my birthday for some reason...Don't usually do much for it...Maybe I think as I get older things will get better? Crazy lady, I know!

Hmmm...What else? Oh yeah...Clint is thinking of joining the Army...Not sure what else to do at this point...What with the economy and all...Think that's pretty much it...I will try to update after my u/s on Monday! Oh yeah! OMG-I had a dream I had conjoined twins and we found at the u/s appt! Then that morning on the news there was a story about some conjoined twins! Freakin ass weird though man!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

We are having



His name will be Ryder Matthew!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bullets of updates! :P

Okay. So ALOT has happened since the last time I wrote! I know, I know..Slacker over here!!! I'm going to do bullets, if that's okay with you!

  • I had my 2nd prenatal visit! Baby's heartbeat was 160! Went great!
  • I had been having this feeling to where it feels like my heart stops-so I went to ER, since it was happening like over long periods of time, so I went a cardiologist and my heart looks great...And what do you know...I haven't had them since last week, when I went to ER and stuff!!!
  • Hayden is learning how to trace his name! It is SO cute! I can't believe he will be 4 in Jan!!! OMG--My lil baby!
  • Speaking of Hayden--he had his toenail appt...He's got weird,paper thin, nails and I wanted to be sure he's okay! So I went and he has to eat lots of fruits and veggies that are good for the liver and goes back in Nov...Now, I'm not sure if specialist thinks he's got an issue w/ the liver or what..those are just my instructions-So any prayers you could toss our way would be great...Just in case!
  • Clint and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary yesterday! Aww..Hayden was 8mths and walked me down the aisle w/ my Daddy in Vegas...He looked SO cute...I will see if I can find some wedding pics, to show ya'll! :P Clint and I have been together almost 6 years! WOW!
  • Clint's depressed about his upcoming birthday in Oct...He'll be 26 and in Nov I will turn 26! I can't believe how time flies!!!
  • But it seems like this pg is DRAGGING! Maybe it's because we wanted it SO bad and now we finally have it? I don't know...But it's pissing me off! I want to know what we are having! I keep referencing it as a "she" and so does Hayden! LOL! He's SO excited!
  • And my morning sickness is GONE! WOOT WOOT!! I never had that w/ Hayden, so it was NOT FUN!
  • I'm going to be 14 weeks on Monday!!!! YAY!

Guess that it's for now...Think I'vfe highlighted all the big stuff! OH WAIT!!! We are MOVING! YAY!!! Currently we live w/ our friend who is remodeling his house, w/ NO kitchen and hardly ANY room! So we are moving on the 30th to our own place! It's tiny--but it'll do for a year and then we can find someplace bigger and better and hopefully...Hopefully be able to buy our own place in a year!!!

Anywhoo--I'm off to MNO w/ some friends! It's game night!!! LOL! I will *try* to update more! I just feel like a dork if I have nothing to say! LOL! Take care!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Vote for Hayden! :P

I put Hayden in a blog contest and need you guys to vote for him! You will see him--I used the same pic that's on top of my blog! I think it's the CUTEST!!!! So please---Check out Lauren's blog and vote my lil guy!!!! TIA!!!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I'm still alive! LOL! This baby is kicking my ass! I've been sick and not feeling good at all! UGH! It wasn't like this with Hayden, so it's all new! Anywhoo! I hope you all are doing great!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

1st OB appt!

Had my 1st ob appt yesterday! OMG--This is REAL! I keep thinking it's a dream that I am going to wake up from...I am 9wks3days today! I have an u/s scheduled for Monday at 12:30! I cannot even wait...Maybe then it will seem real! We are still in shock...I'm hoping it's a girl!!!! Hayden at one point has said he wants 8 brothers!!! UMMMMM....NO kiddo! Now he's saying he wants a brother AND a sister! LOL...He's really excited though! I've been SO sick w/ this one...I mean this is my 3rd pg...The 1st one I m/c @ 10wks...But w/ that one and Hayden I didn't even realize I was pg! With this one, my belly is all over the place...I got a script @ the dr yesterday for a pill for that since I have to go back to work next Wedneday! My edd is 3/11/10!!! WOW...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'm PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to the dr yesterday, just so I could get a pill to start AF, since I haven't had her since June 3, which for me...Is sometimes normal! Well, they did a pg test...and I am PREGNANT!!!!!! 6-8wks!!! Will probably be due sometime in March!!! I have my 1st OB appt next week!!!!! I *still* cannot even believe this!!! We are SO excited! We've been waiting a long time for this and it's hard to believe that it's actual true!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wisdom Tooth

Umm...I think I have an impacted wisdom...It's hurting SO bad...OMGosh...Anywhoo...Have an appt tomorrow @ noon...Wish me luck...I hate going to the dentist...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!!

Hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th!!!

Quick update about us...
We are considering buying a mobile home if an owner will finance, since we have bad credit-there's no way we can buy a house, plus we can't really afford it...What else? I'm still jobless, but I go back to work in Aug!!! I cannot wait to have money again...We've been BEYOND broke with only Clint working, it has pretty much sucked...Although Iwill miss spending time w/ my lil man, but jeez...LOL...Hayden will be 3.5 in 2 days..I cannot believe in 6 months my lil man will be 4!!!! Holy cow...And that's all he can talk about is his birthday! He's such a goofy boy--I wish you guys could meet him. Oh and I'm waiting on AF, so I can officially start our TTC break...I've come to terms with the break, I think. It still makes me sad, but I'm so worn out on trying. I don't know how people can try for SO long...My cousin tried for at least 10yrs I think and then finally had enough money for an IUI and got pg that way and now her son is already a year old! But after 2 yrs...Man, I'm just tired of this crap...I have to hand it to the women who try for years and years and years...I don't know how much longer *I* can take it. I'm not sure if it's because I've concieved 1 child, so maybe my brain thinks I should be able to have another? Or what? It's just frustrating! GRR... Enough about that! My dh Clint lost 30 lbs!!! WOOHOO!!! He looks fantastic! His goal was 40, I think, and today was the end of it, but man he lost 30 and he always gets compliements...Me on the other hand...Have only lost 12lbs...Oh well...I haven't been that into it either, so my fault...OH and our city isn't doing fireworks this year because they don't have any money! WTH?! So I'm not sure what we are going to do...Have a safe one everyone!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Taking a break :(

Yep, we are going to take a break from TTC...I'm bummed, it feels like wasted time ya know? Clint thinks we need it mentally, which I'm sure we do. But I'm still bummed. The longer it takes, the farther apart our kids are going to be. Everyone keeps saying maybe when we aren't thinking about something will happen, I don't agree, but one can hope right? Wish us luck on this break!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Yikes, Father's Day....

Yep--Such a slacker right now! I cannot even believe that Father's Day is THIS Sunday! WTH?!?!?!?! Where did the time go! I was *just* looking at the calendar thinking I have a few weeks! Crapola! I feel like the Dads are going to get jipped this year since I'm not working! Everything that I got for the Mother's Day was homemade w/the exception of the boxes, but Hayden painted those...I don't even have the money to buy something for Hayden to make! Wish it was the school year right now! UGH! I hate not having money! :(

Any ideas? So far, I'm going to make a coupon book. WOW--LOL...And then copy a poem for Clint w/ Hayden's handprint or footprint or something like that! Oh and a painting from Hayden! But what else? I need like a *major* thing..Like for Mothers Day-the boxes were the major thing--the other things were just supporting it, KWIM?!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Thats what I was diagnosed w/ this morning at urgent care...Fantastic...I just hope the entire household doesn't get it...I tried to take necessary precautions, just in case...But dammit...I was using Hayden's old pinkeye drops! And they didn't do anything! They gave me a different kind and my eyes feel better already! Whew...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Just checking this out. I added my phone to my blog. Fun! Lol.

It has come to my attention....

That I have been a slacking Morgan. So thanks girl! To be honest...Shit's been going on and I just haven't felt like blogging. Sorry. I'm going to the do the bullet thing for recent updates...I know I know...BORING....

~I still haven't found a summer job...CRAP..But really, right now-it maybe kinda pointless...School resumes like Aug 8th or 10th or something like that...By the time someone actually hires me, I probably only end up working like 3 or 4 wks maybe...

~Hayden's behavior is FANTASTIC now...We were having super bad behaviors for the longest time...So we started a star chart for him and he can earn 1 star everyday...Usually he gets 5 stars which he can get a new car for that...The past 2 wks and looks like this week, he got 7 stars, which consists of either going to Bounce U or whatever he wants...I'm amazed...We've been doing this since March...

~I think I have an eye infection...It looks like pinkeye-but doesn't itch like pinkeye-and the stuff in there isn't green like pinkeye...Hurts SOOO bad though and feels like it's going to explode...FUN Stuff

~I haven't talked to my mom since the day before Mothers Day...She *finally* text Hayden yesterday...I've been so pissed that she hadn't done that and she finally did...and that was it...

~Obviously I did NOT get a bfp in May...SO pissed at that too...I did have an ob/gyn appt(that's who I'm having help me get pg, not an RE) and I think I'm going to switch dr...He put me on the same shit I was on for 3 months...Rather than try metformin, he put me back on dexamethasone and clomid...GRRR...Why try that again? It didn't work the 3 mths I took it!

I think tha's it...Nothing too spectacular here...And thanks Morgan for thinking about me! I feel special! LOL!

Take care...Will hopefully have a FUN update soon..

Sunday, May 17, 2009

~*~My 411~*~

Alrighty...Well, guess all the cool kids are doing it, so I will too...Since of course, you all know I am ~THE~ cooleset!!!! JK!!! Anywhoo---Christina and Morgan did it, so go check out their's too!

First and Middle name: Michelle Renee

When is your birthday: November 21

When did you/will you get married: Sept 16, 2006

When did you meet your significant other: Well....thats tough...we kind of not really knew each other in do I count from that? Or when we actually started talking to each other? Let's just say 2003...Since we didn't really know each or meet in HS, ya know?

When did you all start dating: Once again tough..well...because...umm...let's just say Aug 03..LOL

Do you get along with the in-laws: Yeah! I LOVE LOVE LOVE his mom!

Do you have any pets: Yep--1 mastiff/sharpei mix pup named Wheeler...Can I count Clint and Hayden as pets too?!

What kind of car do you drive: Jeep Cherokee

What type of work do you do: Teachers aide in the Autism elem class

What is your favorite color: Pink

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Checking in

Just checkin in w/ you guys! I haven't had anything exciting to post..Well...Actually..I got my letter of assurance from work!!! Which means they are expecting me back next school year! That still pending funds of course! But there are regular ed aides that haven't gotten one, so they really don't know...So I'm glad I got mine! WOOHOO!!! I only have 4 work days left..Yikes..Any ideas on summer jobs...I've been looking at babysitting, but haven't found someone that fits...UGH...

Friday, May 8, 2009

2 Weeks left...

Of work, that is...WOW...It feels like I *just* started this job! I still haven't figured out what I am going to do about the summer and hopefully I will have a job in the fall! LOL! Jeez...Summer...

And btw...I'm just going to wish all the moms out there a happy mother's day now--since I have a slacker blogger! Have a great weekend! And get some rest, moms--we deserve it!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hayden's audiology appt Thurs!

Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you that last week at Hayden's audiology appt, he passed!!!! WOOT WOOT!!! LOL! But he still says "huh?" "what'd you say" "I can't hear you"...SO I'm not sure now if it's just a conditioned response ya know? So I will see and if he starts messing w/ his ears, I'm taking him to dr or something...Don't need anymore ear problems ya know?!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Morgan tagged me--gee thanks girl! LOL! I figured I am doing nothing else...might as well do this right?! Here I go...

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. Getting a BFP
2. Hayden in preschool in Aug
3. Vacation
4. Summer
5. Getting Hayden pro pics(I've been such a SLACKER)
6. Watching Wheeler(dog) grow up and see how big he gets
7. June-when my aunt and cousins come out--so excited
8. Transferring to a University!! WOOT WOOT-FINALLY

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Took a shower
2. Went to work
3. Went to music w/ the kids at work
4. Ate lunch
5. Got Hayden back
6. Watched VeggieTales w/ Hayden
7. Made dinner for my friends
8. Played on the computer

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Lose weight
2. Quit smoking
3. Win the lottery
4. Win the lottery
5. Buy a new Jeep
6. Have another baby
7. Sleep good
8. Win the lottery

8 Shows I Watch: *I'm going to put shows I used to watch-since we only watch movies these days!*
1. The Closer
2. Saving Grace
3. American Idol
4. House
5. Law and Order
6. CSI
7. Handy Manny(LOL)
8. Mickey Mouse

8 Favorite Fruits:
1. Strawberries
2. Grapes
3. Bananas
4. Peaches
5. Plums
6. Pineapple
7. Apples
8. Oranges

8 Places I'd Like to Travel:
1. Italy
2. Australia
3. New York
4. Colorado
5. Alaska
6. Germany(again)
7. Vegas(again)
8. Bahamas

8 People I'm Tagging:
Toni, Mimi, Sherrie, Susan, Amy, Wendi, Kelly, and Hillary!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mothers Day HELP!

I am at a loss as what to get for Mother's Day for my mom and 2 MIL's...I have NO FREAKING IDEA...And it's in what...2 wks? JEEZ--What a slacker I am! UGH! What's my deal! Usually I can come up w/ SOMETHING!!!! HELP!

Monday, April 27, 2009

My lil man...

This is my lil goofy boy!!!

A few days later...(after incident underneath)

The next day...

This is at ER that night...

So...I've been a slacker blogger...But I just realized...I haven't posted any Hayden pics in a while! So here's a few of my lil man!!! And a couple of are what happens when 15 yr old sticks his foot out when a 3 yr old is running pushing a Hummer...I was beyond pissed! And still am...It happend not last Friday--but the 1 before that! Oh and Hayden FINALLY got another haircut--Get me the Slacker Mom of the Year award! He's been needing one and I just haven't gotten around to it! LOL! And I can't figure out how to put this above the pics! LOL! Oh well!!! You get the idea!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pray for Kayleigh

For those of you who haven't read The Freeman's blog--it's an amazing story of Kayleigh who was born prematurely and her miraculous journey! She had surgery last week. She was starting to recover, but she is going downhill...I am asking you guys to pray for this miracle child and her family. Please go check out their blog and read all about her and see her darling pictures! Thank you in advance...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Me from A-Z!

I stole this from Morgan and Christina! Thanks girls! LOL!

A - Age: 25.5
B - Bed size: Queen--But really need a king!
C - Chore you hate: Doing dishes!
D - Dad's Name: Peter
E - Essential start your day item: Internet-I wake up early so I can go online before I have to get ready for work!
F- Favorite food: Pizza
G - Gold or Silver: Gold
H - Height: 5' 0
I - Instruments you play(ed): Clarinet...At one time I could play Clarinet, Sax, and flute
J - Job title: Instructional Assistant
K - Kid(s): One boy, Hayden-TTC #2
L - Living arrangements: We have a roommate
M - Moms name : Linda
N - Nicknames: Chel, ChellyBean
O - Overnight hospital stay: When I had Hayden...and then when he was hospitalized, he stayed another 4 days, so of course I stayed w/ him...
P - Pet Peeve: Dumb drivers and flakes
Q - Quotes you like: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get...
R - Right or left handed: Right
S - Siblings: 1 bro and 1 sis
T - Time you wake up: 6:30am M-F, About 8 on the weekends
U - Undying love for: My son, Family, and Friends
V - Vegetable you dislike: Pretty much all the green ones--LOL
W- Ways you run late: Umm...Procrastinating?
X- X-rays you've had: Couple CT's, an MRI or 2 and countless XRays on various body parts--LOL
Y - Yummy food you make: Everything! LOL! I *just* started cooking, so pretty proud of that!
Z - Zodiac: Scorpio

Thanks for reading!

Monday, April 6, 2009

A whole new world! LOL

Kind of like a new life these days...I have been planning a weekly menu, hell even cooking, for those of you who know me in "real" life, know that I don't cook--not really good at it and was never taught how to! So things like cooking are a HUGE change for me and even Clint...Plus, we've been going to the gym, even church...pretty much quit drinking..and cut down drastically on smoking! Yep, tt's like a new me, new Clint, new us these days...Maybe this will help us...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Infertility..Walk of Hope 2009

On Sunday, April 19th we(meaning Clint, Hayden, and I) will be walking for Resolve's Walk of Hope in Scottsdale! It's their 1st ever walk like this!!! We are hoping that friends and family will support us in this and walk with us! Here's a little about the walk from Resolve's website:

This event is open to all people including those still struggling to build a family. Participants will be walking in support of the 7.3 million Americans dealing with infertility and to help continue the network of support and information that RESOLVE brings to this community.
We have planned a day for everyone from children to adults to dogs!
Walk a beautiful path around El Dorado Park in Scottsdale, AZ
Exercise your dog, photograph extensive bird life around the lakes
Enjoy Family Fun centers filled with a variety of children’s entertainment.

Enter your dog or cheer on the “Best Costumed Dog” and the “Best Dog Trick”
Receive a Walk of Hope 2009 t-shirt and RESOLVE tote bag
Enter to win fabulous giveaways including a FREE IVF cycle or $250 Visa gift card! Free IVF cycle courtesy: Dr. John Couvaras, IVF Phoenix.
Must be present to win.

As you can see, there will be PLENTY to do! If you can, please join us!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Hit the gym....

Yeah...I'm not thrilled about going...But we need to...Maybe this will help our TTC ya know? Plus we are getting sick of the way we look and yada yada yada...Hopefully we will keep it up...Today was our 1st day and surprise surprise...I didn't complain once! LOL! It's always me...I just hate gyms and going and getting sweaty and yeah...YUCK...So we'll be going 6 days a week for a while and then maybe cut back to 5 days a week. Wish us luck!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

No BFP in March...

Yep...that's right...March was not *my* month...Oh well...At least this is the 2nd month in a row AF started on her own, so that's great....

And Hayden keeps telling me he wants a baby...LOL...And then I ask which one a boy or a girl and he says a girl(most of the time) and he would hold it and love it, hug it, play cars with it...LOL...He's so cute! Poor lil booger sees EVERYONE with a lil bro or sis and not him..Wonder what he thinks of that?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tag...You are IT!

I've been tagged Morgan ( here are the rules:
Tag, you’re it!!!!

If you’re reading along with me, your instructions: (copy & paste)1. Find your sixth picture folder and in that folder, the sixth picture2. Post it on your blog with some of the background of the picture3. Tag four others and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they’ve been tagged.
Okay--So I'm just a blogger idiot..I think...I still haven't caught on and I wasn't able to move the pic down--so that's my pic--How cute, huh? Can't believe how big my boy is getting! I also don't know how to ling people's blogs to their names--so for my 4 that I am tagging--bear with me! LOL!
Go and check out their blogs while you are at!!!

5 Minutes for Mom Blog Party!! WOOHOO!!!!

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

5 Minutes for Mom is having their Ultimate Blog Party starting today, March 20!!!! You can meet other bloggers just like you and have fun partying!!! Oh yeah...Did I mention they have GREAT prizes??? Head on over to and check it out!!!! Have some fun!!!

So, while checking out all the fabulous prizes...It was SOO hard for me to come up with my top three!!! But here they are:

1, 19, and 32! Although all the prizes are GREAT!!! Go check out 5 Minutes for Mom!!!!

See ya in awhile!

I'm editing this to include an intro about me! DUH ME!!! LOL!

Anyways--I'm a 25 yro mom to Hayden! Clint(my darling darling hubby) are TTC our second kiddo w/ no luck so far--in May it will be 2yrs...Let's see...What else? Oh yeah! I'm fairly new to blogging...And I don't do it a whole lot, like some of my bloggy friends do! But what you will read on my blog are events that happen in our life, some may be crazy and others not so crazy! That's just a bit about me and my blog! Enjoy!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I actually took Hayden to church today...I went w/ an old friend who had invited us. That last time that *I* went to church was when Hayden was a baby...and that was only once...I've been looking for one to take him, so he learns and can make his own decisions later on, but I don't know...I've been hesitant and I don't want to go by myself ya know? Hayden had fun w/ the kids at the church-he went into a younger age group because I put him in w/ my friends kid, but I think next week, I'm going to put him in the preschool room...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Preggos, etc

Is it just me or does every woman seem to be pregnant these days? It's bizarre...Or am I just noticing it more and more, because I am not? Who knows...All I know is that I am sick of every month, get a BFN. I do have to say though, that apparently dexemethasone and clomid are doing something, because I think actually ovulated last month! WOW! Lol...Oh boy, now another 2 months of this crap...I am soo annoyed, because seriously I am HUNGRY every minute of the day...but I am good not eating every minute of the day, I can't exactly afford to gain any weight, I need to lose some...Jeez! I do have to say I am VERY proud of myself for *not* eating when I am hungry, since I know I really am NOT hungry--it's just the dexamethasone talking!

But hey, I am hoping to get pg this month...Not really wanting a Dec baby--but hey man, I will take what God gives me...

Speaking of that...Hayden is a Jan baby--should I take a break in April, so I don't get pg, or is just wasting time? I feel like it's just wasting a perfectly good month and just being selfish...What do you think?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hayden's Evaluation

Hayden's eval was today for his speech and cognitive development...It went good...Could have gone better I think...They said he's NOT eligible for services, but he does have some delays...He just doesn't have enough delays to get help. I'm kind of irritated. They said if he's still talking the same when he's closer to 4, to bring him back for testing again. But really, why wouldn't they want to fix his minor delays instead of waiting to see if they turn into something more?

I know I have a smart kiddo, it WAS nice to be told, especially since we are all bias since we know him and are related to him! He did SOOOO good man. I can't believe it. He knew a lot of stuff that I have been working with him on, but for me-he sometimes gets things mixed up! It was great to hear other people tell him how smart he was!

Oh and the delays were in speech and cognitive development, by the way--so both of the areas that were talked about at the screening.

So...Now the waiting game...Also, if/when I fix his ear, maybe that will help...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fun, Exciting Weekend!

Aww...We were living the life! LOL! We went out to the Gold Canyon Golf Resort last night w/ our neighbors-Duke and Julie. Man--seriously--everyone who goes there has money! So, for a night-we had money! It was soooo nice! It's like one of the top golf resorts in the country apparently. We brought our own dinner-Julie is an AMAZING cook! And brought a cooler full of beer and soda! So, we ate in Duke and Julie's room and then went to the bar! Clint and I felt old! Duke and Julie are in their 40's , but man-they can party like they are our age. We were sooo tired and they were still going! We had a blast though! And we had breakfast buffet there this morning! SO GOOD! And the weird thing of the morning was...I ran into one my friends and her family there-they were eating breakfast there!!! Aww...I don't want to be back in reality...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Valentines Day Swap!

I got my Valentines Swap stuff from my partner, Beth!!! Thank you soo much!!! I can't take a pic, because our camera is broke! But in my package was a bag of peanut M&Ms(Sooo yum), a paper craft w/ sticker book for Hayden, a bar of soap(can't wait to use!), and strawberry sticks! YUMMY! Thank you soo much Beth!!!! You rock!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fishful Thinking in NY!

For those of you near NY or in NY, there is going to be a free symposium about how to raise happy, healthy kids! Fishful Thinking helps parents raise confident children learn how to successfully overcome obstacles, thrive in the face of adversity and reach their goals. Fishful Thinking is in association with Pepperidge Farms Goldfish! They are also having a guest speaker: Dr. Karen Reivich, she is a leader in the field of depression prevention and resilience. She is co-director of the Penn Resiliency Project and has conducted Positive Psychology workshops throughout the US and abroad for teachers, parents, physicians, and corporations. Dr. Reivich also has 4 children with whom she practices these techniques daily! This seminar is in White Plains, NY on March 7, 2009 at the Crowne Plaza and yes it's FREE!!!!! For more information or to RSVP, please visit:

Friday, February 13, 2009

Fast week!

What a quick week that was!!!! Whew! Quick update! Hayden's screening for his development was on Wednesday--we are concerned w/ articulation, so we got him screened. His evaluation is on the 26th for his cognitive and speech development. He failed his right hearing test, due to fluid in there-which would explain all the "Huh, what'd you say Mama?" and the "I can't hear you!" He's got a dr appt on Monday-to talk about that! Have a great weekend and Happy Valentines Day!!! Be safe!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A new week!

Hopefully this week goes better than the last! Starting it off still sick though--which sucks--but oh well, right?! But I have a new idea...Hear me out now...And then I want to know what you think, please...

Remember when I was thinking about acupuncture? What about a healing?! My friends aunt is in the "business"...And is co owner of a healing center. I'm thinking of trying it out! Seriously-I wonder if it would do anything...It's about the same price as acupuncture--so it's not like I'd be spending anymore money than I was already planning! Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sad day today...

Please keep a family in your thoughts and prayers that lost their baby son this morning. Also, I just read an update about Tuesday and was sad to see that she had passed away this passed Friday...So please keep these families in your thoughts and prayers...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Woot woot! Massage Envy Contest!

Very very cool contest going right now! You...YES YOU! Can win a Pamper Me Prize Pack! The prize pack includes a Strawberry Sundae gift set from The Body Shop, PLUS a $50 GC to Massage Envy! Now seriously who wouldn't want that!? I know I definitely do, so quit reading and enter it already!!!!

We got a new pup!!!

So...All my searching paid off! FINALLY!!!! I have been tirelessly searching for the right pup! And at last...We have found him! He's a 7wk old Mastiff/Sharpei Mix! We named him Wheeler, since he will be our 4wheelin dog! LOL! I know--dorky..But seriously--I hate trying to come up w/ dog names! So it was easy this time! Here's some pics of him and Hayden!